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June’s Great Truth About You: I AM RICH

June 2, 2014 - Author: KishaLynn Elliott - No Comments


It’s June and the Great Truth About You this month is I AM RICH. Yes, I’m talking about the green stuff (or whatever color your money might be)…plus so much more.

To me, being rich means that I enjoy constant access to an abundance of resources. Abundance to me simply means that there is more than enough. Resources include time, energy, people and yes, or course, money, funding and wealth. I look at wealth as a relationship between what you OWN and what you OWE, evidenced by what you RECEIVE and what you GIVE.

This is one of the hardest of the Great Truths to believe for some. It can be really hard to embrace and accept the fact that ABUNDANCE SIMPLY IS, because we’re programmed to focus on any and all visible evidence to the contrary. There’s so much resistance around money, so much worry, so much fear, so much lack and debt and need. No wonder you might feel like a little bit of a liar when you say: “I am rich and there’s more than enough.”–that’s if you can even bring yourself to try speaking that as your truth.

You are not a liar. I don’t care what your financial circumstances are right now, how much money you do or don’t have in your pocket or the bank. You are RICH with resources, financial and otherwise. They are spread out before you, waiting to be recognized beyond your problems and your obstacles. The money is there, waiting to be drawn into your life like a magnet through aligned BELIEF and inspired ACTION.

You are rich, and will only get richer.

money2Go forth and live this Great Truth. Leave the broke mentality behind. This month’s quotes on social media have been selected to help you embody this Great Truth About You so that you can begin to write a new money script in your mind, and experience true abundance on your life this month and every month. I encourage you to take a moment each day to reflect on a specific guiding belief about month, set income targets and to take bold steps towards debt-free living, charitable giving, and financial independence. <3, Coach KLĀ 

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