How To Make Someone Happy
January 14, 2013 - Author: KishaLynn Elliott - No CommentsWanna make someone happy? Say one or all of the following things…and mean it:
1. Thank you.
2. I love you.
3. You were right.
4. You look nice.
5. I want you to have this.
Try it. In fact, try them all on yourself first, right now.
Seriously…I’ll wait.
You done?
Ok, how did it go?
If you did it right, as in:
-Found something meaningful to be grateful for
-Found a reason and a way to love
-Found a truth to affirm
-Found beauty to appreciate
-Found something to give
Then I’ll bet you feel better than you did when you opened this.
Ready to take it to the next level? Try it again…on someone else. In fact, try it with at least five different people today.
Don’t stop until you’ve said, and meant each one.
Then, please tell me what happened-comment, email, Facebook, Tweet, call, text, say, skywrite…any of those.
Joy is free to give and receive. It’s a matter of choosing.
Go make someone happy. Start with you.
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Categories: blogs - Tag: compliments, Joy, Law of Attraction