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Abundance: Believe It To See It

January 16, 2013 - Author: KishaLynn Elliott - 14 Comments

Lack-consciousness can happen to the best of us. Even a life coach who’s message is This Stuff’s Working! can suffer a moment of weakness upon taking a look at the financial outlook and go “Who am I kidding? There’s not enough!” One can only hope that in that moment, if and when it reaches you, that you are strong enough and smart enough to do what this life coach did–go get coached! Yes, I ran to my life coach like rain from a rooftop. I laid it all out to her, and to myself, saying the things I had been thinking and feeling but resisting believing as much as I could.

Without revealing my life coach’s entire technique and process (Sorry, you’ll have to get your own life coach. Here’s another good one. :-)) what it basically came down to is her saying something like this (and I hope she doesn’t mind me paraphrasing): “What got to you? Who said or did something that made you waver in your belief that abundance simply IS?”


As I thought about it, found and shared the answer, I could already feel myself returning to the right path: What is MY truth about financial abundance? Here I was totally surrendered to lack and fear and resistance–and totally pushing money further away from me in the process. It was the Law of Attraction in action. This Stuff’s Working!–against me.

By the end of the session, my reset button had been pushed. My attitude and my energy towards money shifted and I felt myself right back in alignment with my Desire–to make tons of money as a life coach, a speaker and an author. Even though nothing had physically changed in my bank account, at that moment my BELIEF was back. That’s what matters MORE THAN ANYTHING. I could SEE financial abundance again.

The next morning I picked up the phone, did a Life Upgrade Strategy Session and enrolled a client–a paying client. THIS STUFF’S WORKING!–for me.

What it all comes down to is this–what are your beliefs about financial abundance? You might not be able to snap your fingers and make money appear (unless you’re quite an impressive street performer). However, the money you don’t have is an outstanding Resource. You don’t have it yet and you cannot change that by focusing on its absence. But you can change your thoughts about money, your feelings about it, your reaction to it and your beliefs about it. You must. Changing those things which lie within your power and control will change what you DO about it. Once you start doing, guess what? Money shows up. Why? Because it was already there, just waiting for you to believe in it, to create the space for it, to see it, to welcome it and to be grateful for it.

After my session with my life coach, I had some homework that gave me a chance to reflect and return to my true beliefs about financial abundance. Here we’re a few of mine. Try some of these on for size and see if they change your perspective, your beliefs, your feelings, your thoughts, and your actions:

  • The money I am making is enough and I am grateful for it.
  • Money comes easily, frequently, and in ever-increasing amounts.
  • There is more than enough for me AND for others.
  • I AM rich and will only get richer.
  • I can be both wise and generous with money.
  • Money, I love you. You’re sexy, you turn me on, and we look DAMNED GOOD together. 😉

So, what are your beliefs about financial abundance?
I encourage you to do the same work of thinking through and writing yours down. Once you are firmly resolved in them-don’t let anyone or anything get to you. Carve them into your mind and heart like the image above. Then, guard them like you’d guard your life, your loved ones…your actual money.

NOTE: There is more to life and more to abundance than money. PLEASE understand that and know that I do as well.

Photo credit: incurable_hippie / / CC BY-NC

Categories: blogs

Discussion (14 Comments)

  1. Oh, my gosh! I literally finished writing an article about this not half an hour ago for iCoach Magazine! So many people say they want to make money in their business, but they can’t seem to get it. Or even when they do, something happens and it slips away. I believe a lot of it boils down to our subconscious mindset. In fact, I’ve spent the last year working on this with my mentor Jenn August, and now I’m making 10x what I used to make.

    The money and the finances are out there. Your gifts are awesome. It’s your own beliefs that are the key to your financial and business success – and freedom.

    Thanks for the great post!

  2. Oh I loved this post! I noticed last night I’d fallen into the negativity trap despite some lovely abundance recently coming my way. Will definitely be repeating your affirmations, especially the last – I love the fun approach!

  3. I grew up hearing “No, we can’t afford it” a lot. Later I spent 8 years total unemployed, sometimes not having money for food. When I finally got a proper job, it felt like a trap, but the money was ok. Now I’m heading for disability and getting $250 less a month, plus the fact that my business had a negative result of $2500 last year. Being in a lot of debt, and not having the money to pay for more than essentials is of course affecting my ideas about money. I’ve only tried L&A on occasion, and so far not seen any results. I guess I’m not patient enough to be positive about it for months on end.

  4. Your words came at just the right time! I think I’ve been focusing too much on what I don’t have, instead of what I do. Now if you could just tell me where my reset button is physically located…….

  5. KishaLynn, Thanks for the reminder about abundance. It is right there, waiting to be acknowledged!
    Our beliefs are there anyway, we might as well make them work FOR us.

  6. by lena

    Great post, I loved your beliefs about financial abundance and I used them for me also. Now I just need to guard them :)

  7. I no longer let money stop me from what I want. I too recently “ran” to my book coach 😉 and joined her author mastermind group. I vowed that I would have enough money to meet my biz expenses AND to pay the monthly fee…. and that’s all that was needed; the money has come to me each month! I put my worry aside and let nature and the Universe do her work!
    Great reminders, KishaLynn!

  8. I think one of the challenges is that a lot of the “popular” views on how people should plan for their financial future have been written by the 97% who will never be truly financially free. Their focus is on strict adherence to a budget rather than looking at solutions for how to creatively fund a new purchase. They also believe in removing ALL debt before creating some form of passive income that can pay that debt off for them.

    The entire process of creating a solid financial strategy is so dependent on each person’s individual gifts and life goals, that using these kinds of cookie-cutter approaches are what sparks a lot of the scarcity mindset. As Amethyst said, It really is your own beliefs that are the key to your financial and business success, and ultimately your Financial Freedom. :)

  9. Oh My KishaLynn! This blog simply Rocks! I have been in your position many times and it was just so refreshing to literally hear that ‘i’m not alone’ in this!
    I have times where I forget that abundance is simply sitting there waiting for me, I have just become blind and put the sunglasses on so to speak. I love your financial beliefs – great affirmations!
    Wow! I have a huge smile on my face now! Thank you xxx

  10. by Elloa

    Hey KishaLynn,

    Thanks for the great post. I have a lot of weird beliefs around money. In pretty much every other area of my life, I trust that if I keep changing my mind on a daily basis, taking the seemingly small steps to transform my beliefs and remember the truth, the world around me changes – or perhaps my perception of it does. Money seems to be one of the last ones to change. I had some mad stuff happen around it last year, but it’s very scarce again at the moment, which feels scary. Thanks for opening up such an important and interesting topic.

    Elloa x

  11. by Jan

    My money mindset is all wrong – it is something I am working on. Everything works out eventually but I do need to accept I am worth more. It’s ok to have spare cash for me and not pay out to clear debt all the time.
    I’ll be trying your affirmations :)

  12. by Emily

    My money mindset used to be to reach a certain point and then give the rest away or do something to ensure I make less money because deep down I felt like it is bad to have too much. I also focused so much on debt repayment, that I often missed opportunities to create income, because I was afraid to spend money on something that didn’t decrease the debt load!

    I read a book called the Secrets of a Millionaire Mind that helped me change my perspective on my money paradigm and I have already made more money this year than I did last year without even finishing the things I know I need to for my blogs to make more money!

    Your blog post reminded me a lot of the lessons I have learned and was a fantastic reminder. Thank you for such a meaningful and helpful post.

  13. by Joe Cheray

    I grew up with conditions attached to monetary items. If you are a good girl you will get this as in if I was quiet about being molested I would get what I wanted. I later went on in life to feel like there were always conditions to money. I haven’t allowed myself to have a positive relationship with it. I have been on my own since the age of 15 and have been struggling ever since. Just over the last couple of years the tides have turned in my favor a bit. I have always been admittedly envious of those that seem to have everything handed to them or it seems to come easy to them. I have always had to work for what I have wanted.

  14. Great post, KishaLynn! I have been trying to press the re-set button on my thinking, consciously and subconsciously, for a while now. I notice a difference in the way I FEEL when I notice abundance, even in the little things around me that make life rich. I love your reminder, told in your personal story. Great blog, and I look forward to more!

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