![You can RISE above resisting emotional energy.](https://www.thisstuffsworking.com/wp-content/uploads/RISEabove.jpg)
You can RISE above resisting emotional energy.
It takes some strong emotional muscles to shift your emotional energy where it needs to be to get powerful result. Here is a special process I’ve developed to help with that called RISE.
- RECOGNIZE that the resisting emotional energy that you are feeling that is slowing or stopping you from progress towards your desired outcomes.
- IDENTIFY the allowing emotional energy you’d like to feel that will help you move forward, or move faster, towards your desired outcomes.
- SUMMARIZE the tactics you can use to help you feel the allowing emotional energy.
- EXECUTE 1-2 things on that list until you have shifted into a more allowing emotion.
Here’s a template you can use to work through this process:
RECOGNIZE: “I am feeling (insert resisting emotional energy) which is slowing or stopping me from being/doing/having (insert desired outcome).”
IDENTIFY: “Feeling (insert allowing emotional energy) would help me move forward, or faster, towards being/doing/having (insert desired outcome).”
SUMMARIZE: “Here is a list of some things could make me feel (insert allowing emotional energy listed above) right now: (list your feel-good tactics)”
EXECUTE: “I will do the following (choose a feel-good tactic from above to do immediately).”
Here’s a sample Real Life Application:
I am feeling upset with my colleague, which is slowing or stopping me from finishing my own work.
Feeling content with myself would help me move forward towards finishing my own work.
The things that make me feel content with myself are: My power affirmation, a look in the mirror, listening to Mary J. Blige’s “Just Fine”, receiving a hug, expressing gratitude for something in my life, saying a prayer.
I am going to write down my power affirmation and meditate on it for 10 seconds. I am whole, perfect, sexy, strong, powerful, rich, loving, harmonious, wise, happy, grateful, and free. Then I’ll put “Just Fine” on, and get back to work!
- Resisting emotional energy is any feeling that is HARMFUL TO YOUR GOAL in any given moment. On the surface it can be emotions that are typically deemed “negative” (i.e. fear, doubt, insecurity, anger, jealousy, etc.) However, ANY any feeling slowing you down from your goal is resisting emotional energy. For example, “funny” can be a resisting emotional energy if the desired outcome is to prepare for a serious discussion.
- Allowing emotional energy is any feeling that is HELPFUL TO YOUR GOAL in the moment. On the surface it can be emotions that are typically deemed “positive” (i.e. love, joy, gratitude, abundance, confidence, etc.) However, ANY feeling that moves you towards your goal is allowing emotional energy. For example, “defensive” can be an allowing emotional energy if the desired outcome is to stand up against abuse.
- There’s all kinds of ways to shift emotional energy, depending on the time, environment, and situation you are in. Use what you know about yourself to create a menu of shifters such as:
- Taking a walk/stretch
- A few deep breaths
- Playing a song/video
- Saying a mantra/affirmation
- Looking at a beautiful image
- Reading a motivational quote
- etc, etc, etc.
- Get creative–really think about the things you can do to make yourself feel whatever emotion you want to feel. What has made you feel the allowing emotional energy in the past?
- The RISE process can take a while to complete effectively–sometimes days or weeks. Or it can be done in a matter of seconds/minutes if you really strengthen this muscle within you.
The key here is to do the work now to BUILD AN ARSENAL of emotional energy shifters, so that when needed in the moment, you can know automatically what you need to do for yourself to shift to a better place before responding to any given situation. It takes a keen sense of self-awareness, and practice of course. But, you’ve got nothing but time to perfect this critical skill.
RISE above.