What’s This Stuff?!?! Law of Attraction 101
September 2, 2011 - Author: KishaLynn ElliottThis Stuff is the Law of Attraction.
This site won’t rehash what hundreds of other people are doing all over the world and web, which is exploring and teaching the scientific and metaphysical theories, what I call “sub-conscious-iggety-blah”, behind the Law of Attraction (the stuff behind the stuff…) No honey, we’re keeping it real simple around these parts. If you want all the facts, all the science, all the details, then Google “Law of Attraction”, clear your schedule for a year or five, and start reading! But, if you really want to quickly understand the basics of the Law of Attraction, here they are:
1. Like attracts like.
What you put out, you get back. What you give, you get. Everything and everyone around you is vibrating energy, and that energy attracts other things and people vibrating on the same frequency. This is just the way this stuff works.
2. Thoughts become things.
That noise you hear between your ears all day and night is more than just riff-raff. Those are your thoughts, and each one has powerful energy behind it. An energy so powerful that when you concentrate it around a single object or belief, it can intensify the attractive power of the mind to the point of manifestation.
3. Your feelings and beliefs can turn thought into physical manifestations.
Since our thoughts are always going, it’s impossible to monitor or control each thought. Nor is it possible for each thought to manifest an immediate like creation. It’s not thinking alone that does anything for you. It’s really the emotions, the feelings, the powerful beliefs behind your thoughts that trigger creation. Feelings keep you vibrating on a certain frequency long enough to attract something like what you are feeling. Beliefs keep you returning to the same thought patterns over and over again, creating the cycle by which we live, and create our lives. Feelings drive us towards, or away, from action.
4. This Stuff’s Working…for you or against you. It’s your choice.
Here’s the bottom line on this stuff. We’re not always thinking good things. We’re not always thinking bad things. We don’t always feel good or bad either. As a result, a mix of things happen to us. What’s behind what we get, and what we don’t get, are the choices we make and the actions we take as a result of those choices. There is a choice between good and bad. You can choose to think good thoughts, and feel good feelings, and keep beliefs that align with what we want, then act and manifest accordingly. Alternatively, you can choose to think bad thoughts, feel bad feelings, and carry beliefs that don’t serve your highest good, then act and manifest accordingly. We can choose how to feel, where to concentrate our thoughts, and as a result, our beliefs can change. The choice, the power, is ours to be aware of, and use to our advantage at all times, IF WE MAKE THAT CHOICE.
Stop and think about the truth of the three statements above for a moment. It should become crystal clear to you that there is a connection between what your life looks like, and how you have been thinking, and feeling, and believing. That connection may excite you if you’re generally happy and pleased with your life. It may make you skeptical you if your life looks nothing like you would hope. Either of those reactions are GREAT, because in either case, you likely feel ready to do more about it, either to make a good thing better, or to prove it works (or doesn’t). No matter which side you land on, it makes you JUST THE RIGHT kind of person to join the This Stuff’s Working Experiment.
I hope you will. I’ve been testing this theory for years, and over that time, I’ve collected INSURMOUNTABLE EVIDENCE that the Law of Attraction, This Stuff, is really working. This Stuff is ALWAYS working. I started too from a place of skepticism, and from a life that was filled with more of what I didn’t want than what I did. Over time, as I attracted more like-minded people into my life, as I studied and applied the principles, as I tested and proved that this power does indeed exist, my skepticism became inspiration, and my life became less coincidental and turbulent, and more intentional and harmonious.
Now it’s your turn. I hope you’ll take it. And, when you do, I hope you’ll race back here to tell me all about it.
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